We live in some interesting times times! I've heard it said that this time in human history can be compared to high noon. It's very bright and sunny, which is good, but it can get pretty intense. Each age has its challenge and ours certainly has plenty too. One challenge I think we all must currently face is living passionately.
These modern times have afforded us basic survival like never before. It's never been easier to stay alive than it is now with modern medicine, food production, etc.. However, just because our basic needs for survival are being met does not mean that we are happy. We all know what it's like to exist, but what about happiness and joy?
Now more than ever I think it is important that we all follow our bliss. For example, I am following my bliss of being a musician because music is the one thing in life that brings me consistent joy. There is almost nothing better than a good song for me. Songs can make me feel less alone in the world because the singer may be singing about something that I am going through too. However, we all know that being a musician doesn't guarantee financial stability. That is where faith comes in. I know that I was given the gift of music and when I honor that gift, the Universe provides a way for me to follow my bliss. I've been mostly doing music for a living now since June and just as I think I'm gonna go broke, something comes along and helps me out. It's miraculous!!!
Dear reader, I encourage each of you to follow your bliss. No matter what it is, no matter how much you think it's never going to make any money, follow it. Let it lead you and make you passionate. Let it teach you faith. Money is fine, but it's not real anymore. It's not backed by gold. Therefore, believe in yourself. Believe in your gift. Believe that you are alive to be happy and joyful and passionate. Have faith in the Universe. Following your bliss may get bleak at times, but that is part of the adventure. Keep rowing your boat. You are sure to come upon brighter days again...
Ok, that's enough of that for now...

The artist struggle is definitely still here, but I'm doing fairly well these days! I have some important shows coming up in San Diego, CA, including:
October 16th, Sunday 7-9pm Java Joe's (3536 32nd St, San Diego, CA)
October 21st, Friday, 7-9pm Riff's Studios (5510 La Jolla Blvd, La Jolla, CA 92037)
find all the upcoming shows at: www.fastheartmart.com/shows
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of busking at the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival in San Francisco. Here is a short clip of my experience: https://youtu.be/1vj1wjwzh60

I have a book coming out before the holidays about my travels in Europe this summer. It will be available as an E-Book and in print. Until then, here are the blog entries that the book is based on: http://fhmeurotour2016.blogspot.com

I just signed on with the German record label "Songs and Whispers": http://www.songsandwhispers.com

Remember to listen to Fast Heart Mart on Spotify or any of your favorite streaming sites:
Listen and buy Fast Heart Mart music on Bandcamp: http://fastheartmart.bandcamp.com
And keep up with the latest Fast Heart Mart news on Instagram and Facebook
Please write back and say hello as I love hearing from you :)
Gratitude to You,
Fast Heart Mart