Hello there Fast Heart Mart supporters! I hope this message finds you well! If not, blame all the crazy news reports that seem to be trying to keep us all in a state of confusion. Today I have some good news for you!
I call it The Good News Blues because I am reluctant to come across like I am bragging. Trust me, I have plenty of not so good news I could report too, but this month in this newsletter I will report on only the good stuff. It is important in these trying times to focus on the positive. Like my song Invincible sings "A hundred things are wrong, but a trillion things are right. I choose to live, on the bright side".
Thank You to the San Diego Troubadour and Frank Kocher for a great review of my latest album "CoronaCoaster Blues"!https://sandiegotroubadour.com/fast-heart-mart-corona-coaster-blues
In other good news, my newest album has been nominated for "Best Local Recording" by the San Diego Music Awards. This years online voting runs thru June 30, 2021 at 5pm. Winners will be chosen on the basis of a 50% public vote + 50% San Diego Music Academy vote. Anyone with an email address can vote, so set an alert on your calendar and vote for me once per day at this website under the "Best Local Recording" category
It is also "good news blues" because good news to me may not be good news to you. I love the Media Monarchy Podcast. Some people may not appreciate this type of "conspiracy theory" humor, but I think it is brilliant and hilarious and I'm glad to have my song "CoronaCaoster Blues" featured on this episodehttps://mediamonarchy.com/20210526morningmonarchy/
Media Monarchy also featured another song of mine from the same album called "Frustrated" on this more recent episodehttps://mediamonarchy.com/20210602morningmonarchy/
Just to be clear, I am taking the virus very seriously. Here is a webpage I created that describes how I boost my immune system and the alternative therapies to use in case a person comes down with COVID-19
Here is a glimpse into my life as a full time musician lately https://youtu.be/Fo9l3jq1eaw
I will be hitting the road in July and August. Here is my tentative schedule. Please let me know if you have any ideas for gigs in these places on these dates
July 2021
July 1-4 New Mexico
July 8-11 Florida
July 15-18 Raleigh Durham North Carolina
July 18 (Sun) Dale City VA
July 22-25 Virginia
July 25 (Sun) Dale City VA
August 2021
Aug 6-8 Syracuse New York festival
Aug 12-15 Wisconsin with Tom Warner
Aug 19-22 Colorado
Aug 26-29 Montana
Friday 27 Big Timber Montana
I currently have 988 YouTube subscribers. Please subscribe
Ok, that's way more than enough for now. Please write back and say "hello" or respectfully disagree or whatever. Thank you for your continued support of my music and art :)
June 4, 2021
San Diego, CA
"Fast Heart" Martin Stamper
Support Fast Heart Mart Through The Pandemic:
fastheartmart.com/patrons (preferred)
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CashApp: $FastHeartMart
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