Hello San Diego!
What a wet winter we've had! I'm tempted to ask the mayor for my money back sometimes! I didn't move to San Diego for this kind of winter weather. I moved to San Diego hoping I could play my music out on the streets ("busking") anytime of year!
Ha! I'm kidding of course ;) All the rain is a good thing because we have been in a drought and we need the water. Life is magical and it's been a good excuse for me to say inside and do other inside stuff.
This weather has been so wet and cold that I haven't been able to go busking and performing my music on the streets, BUT I am staying busy playing other places. I went to Arizona and New Mexico for 5 shows a few weeks ago and it was a fun success! I have some cool performances coming up that you should know about.
Pilgrimage of the Heart Kirtan Band
As you may know I play every Thursday night with the Pilgrimage of the Heart kirtan band
Time: 830-930pm PST every Thursday
Location: Pilgrimage of the Heart Yoga (EAST ROOM)
3301 Adams Ave , San Diego, California, US
Live broadcastevery Thursday night 845-930pm here
The kirtan band will also be performing at
The San Diego Yoga Festival
Time: Friday Jan. 27th from 8-10pm
Location: Tetter, 5032 Niagara Ave , San Diego, CA 92107
More info about The San Diego Yoga festival here: https://sandiegoyogafestival2017.sched.com
The San Diego Fermenter's Festival Feb 4th
I'll also be playing solo at the San Diego Fermenter's Festival on Feb. 4th from 3-5pm.
Location: Civic Green at the Waterfront Park in downtown San Diego
1600 Pacific Hwy , San Diego, CA 92101
more info about the San Diego Fermenter's Festival:
You can always check www.fastheartmart.com/shows for my upcoming shows throughout the world. Also, you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram for the latest Fast Heart Mart news.
I look forward to hearing back from you! Thanks for being a fan :)
What a wet winter we've had! I'm tempted to ask the mayor for my money back sometimes! I didn't move to San Diego for this kind of winter weather. I moved to San Diego hoping I could play my music out on the streets ("busking") anytime of year!
Ha! I'm kidding of course ;) All the rain is a good thing because we have been in a drought and we need the water. Life is magical and it's been a good excuse for me to say inside and do other inside stuff.
This weather has been so wet and cold that I haven't been able to go busking and performing my music on the streets, BUT I am staying busy playing other places. I went to Arizona and New Mexico for 5 shows a few weeks ago and it was a fun success! I have some cool performances coming up that you should know about.
Pilgrimage of the Heart Kirtan Band

Time: 830-930pm PST every Thursday
Location: Pilgrimage of the Heart Yoga (EAST ROOM)
3301 Adams Ave , San Diego, California, US
Live broadcastevery Thursday night 845-930pm here
The kirtan band will also be performing at
The San Diego Yoga Festival
Time: Friday Jan. 27th from 8-10pm
Location: Tetter, 5032 Niagara Ave , San Diego, CA 92107
More info about The San Diego Yoga festival here: https://sandiegoyogafestival2017.sched.com
The San Diego Fermenter's Festival Feb 4th
I'll also be playing solo at the San Diego Fermenter's Festival on Feb. 4th from 3-5pm.
Location: Civic Green at the Waterfront Park in downtown San Diego
1600 Pacific Hwy , San Diego, CA 92101

You can always check www.fastheartmart.com/shows for my upcoming shows throughout the world. Also, you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram for the latest Fast Heart Mart news.
I look forward to hearing back from you! Thanks for being a fan :)
January 26 2017
Fast Heart Mart
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