Well, I dodged tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, wildfires and interpersonal problems on this 9 week tour of the USA, but I made it home to San Diego, safe and sound and in one piece. I am truly grateful to everyone who came out to hear me play or supported me in any way on this tour. As I wrote in my previous message, I sold out of almost all my merchandise; just 3 books, a few mismatch sized shirts are all I have left. I sold out of ALL of my new album, but you can still order in online or listen to it on Spotify here or any of your favorite music listening sites, such as iTunes, etc.. You can order my book online here: http://a.co/7Ptklzl

It was a very successful tour. So successful that I came home with enough money to pay my rent, which is not always the case. I think I saved a ton of money driving my Toyota Prius because it gets 50 MPG, which is important considering I drove 10,000 miles!!! Also, I booked a ton of shows,. I played almost everyday for 9 weeks. And then there's the whole saving money factor. I tell people all the time "being an artist is not always about making MORE money, it's about looking at your spending habits and seeing what you can SPEND LESS on". Thanks to everyone who let me stay at their house while I was on the trip. I saved a bunch of money not having to rent hotel rooms; I only stayed at 2 hotels the entire 9 weeks!

October 25th 2017
Ocean Beach San Diego homecoming
Ocean Beach San Diego homecoming
Sunday October 29th
Nate's Garden Grill
1 - 3 PM
3120 Euclid Ave, San Diego, CA 92105
Free, but tipping encouraged
All Ages
Nate's Garden Grill
1 - 3 PM
3120 Euclid Ave, San Diego, CA 92105
Free, but tipping encouraged
All Ages
Monday October 30th
De Oro Mine Co.
7-9pm 9924 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA
Free, but tipping encouraged
21 and over

De Oro Mine Co.
7-9pm 9924 Campo Rd, Spring Valley, CA
Free, but tipping encouraged
21 and over

In other news, the San Diego based company Music and Motion Pictures recorded a high quality video of me playing Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" Check it out here: https://youtu.be/du3WCMLUJeM

A banjo version of "Wish You Were Here" is also available on my new album. You can listen to the new album for free here: www.fastheartmart.com/music
Anyways, too much to tell about the entire trip now. Just wanted to let you know I'm back safe in San Diego. I'll be spending the winter here before heading back out on the road next year. If you have any ideas or questions for me, please write me back and let me know. You can also just wrote back and say "hi" as I really enjoy hearing from you :)
Until next time, thanks for listening :)
"Fast Heart" Martin Stamper
October 26 2017
PS The 1000 mile drive from Missoula Montana to Geyserville, CA is one of the most beautiful and desolate drives I have ever done. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to get away from civilization for a few days.
October 26 2017
PS The 1000 mile drive from Missoula Montana to Geyserville, CA is one of the most beautiful and desolate drives I have ever done. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to get away from civilization for a few days.
All My Sites Are Below:
Website: http://www.fastheartmart.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fastheartmart
Youtube: single: https://youtu.be/4v678YKrt-w
YoutUbe playlist
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fastheartmart/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2zRHjtxvGU17HLTp1tzLPX
Bandcamp: www.fastheartmart.com/music