Hello there Fast Heart Mart followers! I hope this message finds you well! If not, blame Mercury Retrograde or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Seriously, this time of year is the most challenging for me and a lot of others. The daylight is short and we want to rest, but the modern lifestyle demands that we keep moving full steam ahead. Clash that with Valentine's Day and you can have a recipe for emotional meltdown! I wrote a blog post about it here: https://depression-and-all-the-sads.blogspot.com/2020/02/valentines-day.html

Seriously, this time of year is the most challenging for me and a lot of others. The daylight is short and we want to rest, but the modern lifestyle demands that we keep moving full steam ahead. Clash that with Valentine's Day and you can have a recipe for emotional meltdown! I wrote a blog post about it here: https://depression-and-all-the-sads.blogspot.com/2020/02/valentines-day.html

Remember, no matter how tough the wintertime blues get, life is fleeting and no one will be here forever. Here is a song called "I'll Fly Away" to remind you:

My band and I have some shows coming up, including tonight
Grand Ole BBQ - Flynn Springs
Friday February 21
15505 Olde Hwy 80, El Cajon, CA 92021
All Ages
In other FHM news, it's my 43rd birthday on March 7th and I wanted to invite you to come hang out with me. Please respond to this message for the address. No pressure. No expectations. I'm not even calling it a party. It's just a hang out session. I've often described being a full-time musician as akin to throwing a birthday party for yourself 200 times in a year. It can be overwhelming and the last thing I need is to throw another "party" for myself. In this fast paced world we currently live in sometimes it's nice just to have an excuse to hang out and do nothing all day long. It's a BYOE (Bring Your Own Everything) Potluck as I'm not in the position to provide much except the place for us all to hang out. I may spring for some chips, dip and beer, but don't count on it. Who even eats birthday cakes anymore?! Sugar is the bane of the human race at this point. However, I might provide a cake, I don't know....
Friday February 21
15505 Olde Hwy 80, El Cajon, CA 92021
All Ages
In other FHM news, it's my 43rd birthday on March 7th and I wanted to invite you to come hang out with me. Please respond to this message for the address. No pressure. No expectations. I'm not even calling it a party. It's just a hang out session. I've often described being a full-time musician as akin to throwing a birthday party for yourself 200 times in a year. It can be overwhelming and the last thing I need is to throw another "party" for myself. In this fast paced world we currently live in sometimes it's nice just to have an excuse to hang out and do nothing all day long. It's a BYOE (Bring Your Own Everything) Potluck as I'm not in the position to provide much except the place for us all to hang out. I may spring for some chips, dip and beer, but don't count on it. Who even eats birthday cakes anymore?! Sugar is the bane of the human race at this point. However, I might provide a cake, I don't know....

Come for 8 seconds or 8 hours. It's up to you. Come. Don't come. It's all good either way! I'll just be hanging out all day, talking with whoever is around, playing a bit of music here and there, drinking a beer or two, snacking, and even napping if the spirit moves me. My ever-loving parents will be there, for those of you who enjoy their company. The following day, Sunday May 8th will be the first day of the spring forward time change thingy, so beware of that. I also don't intend to look at my phone much on this day so I may not get your text if you send one.
NOON-130pm (ISH) I will lead a guided hike through the canyons & jungles of Southern North Park. Time is approximate of course because I'm not going impose any time constraints on myself. This hike is approx. 3 miles and it can be deceptively strenuous. However, the nice thing is that there are plenty of places for you to walk back to my house if you don't want to do the entire thing. It's a semi-urban hike so you're never too far from "civilization".
3pm-ish I imagine I'll take a nap like I do just about everyday. I usually only nap for about 30 minutes. However, you are welcome to keep hanging out as I have a lovely fire-pit area.
6pm Speaking of fire-pits, I forecast we'll get the fire going sometime around 6pm, isn't that roughly when sundown is? This is likely when the most music jamming will take place. Bring an instrument to jam if you'd like. I have a fun game that I invented called "JamBuster" that you are welcome to play with me. It's fun even for the most novice of musicians.
7pm Once the mood is set just right with fire going I will give a speech like I do every year. Some of you know that sometimes my speeches are good and sometimes they are a waste of time. Either way, I enjoy doing it. This speech made it in the history books for some: https://youtu.be/
I predict things will be done or close to it by 8pm UNLESS the weather is amazing and things are going splendidly, in which case we might go until 10pm when we have to shut down out of respect for my neighbors. I'm usually in bed by 10 or 11pm anyways as my dream life is a thriving world of bliss.
As far as gifts are concerned, if you insist on giving me something you can please just give me cash or Venmo/PayPal me if. As a self employed musicians I am always in need of funds for something or other and a Venmo deposit at Fast Heart Mart (PayPal fastheartmart@gmail.com) will be most appreciated. Otherwise, I am not easy to please with gifts and I might get annoyed if you give me something that's just going to clutter up my life. Therefore, please believe me when I say, your presence is the best present :)
Please write back and say hello if you made it all the way through this message. I surmise a lot of people would not have time to make it through this letter and I certainly understand that. I hardly have time to read anything these days. I write these messages as much for myself as I do for others. Writing keeps me sane. As for those of you who did make it the entire way through, I salute you and thank you very much!
"Fast Heart" Martin Stamper
February 21 2020
San Diego, CA
You can sign up to get updates about all my shows here:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fastheartmart
Promo Video : https://youtu.be/06E2HopDsBE
Video Playlist: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb9bLUPEOTr9Znuvgp6iVBPlWxTOcHGrm
Instagram: www.instagram.com/fastheartmart
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fastheartmart
Buy my Book in paperback or Kindle here: http://a.co/7Ptklzl
Buy my merchandise here: www.fastheartmart.com/store
Buy and listen to my music here: www.fastheartmart.com/music