Hello there Fast Heart Mart supporters! I hope this message finds you well! If not, blame all the Zombies getting ready for Halloween as they are particularly pesky this year.
It's been a while since you've heard from me (end of June, so 3 months), but I really appreciate everyone who is still here. Welcome to all the new people on this email list.
I think I lost a bunch of "patrons" this year because I've been speaking out about my opinions on this "pandemic" and stuff https://fastheartmart.com/diy-pandemic-eradication . That's fine. That's how these things go. I especially want to thank all my friends who disagree with me, but choose to stay friends with me and tolerate my views; you are a special breed of human being. I feel like I tolerate difference of opinions/beliefs well, but not everyone does, I guess? I usually choose friendship over difference of belief/opinion.
I believe that speaking my truth is the most peaceful way to deal with what's going on in the world. I'd like to talk things out before things get worse. It's just like any relationship, if you don't talk about your problems then they are bound to explode at the worst possible time. Furthermore, I thought it was artists' duty to speak their minds, wether people agree with them or not? Artists don't blend in with culture, artists shape culture? Albuquerque July 1st 2021
photo by Johnny Wilson
Anyways, how was the Summer Tour?
In case you are wondering about my tour this past summer, you can see a blog I put together here. I will say that it was very fun and very hot. So much fun that I don't think I'll be doing anymore tours longer than 3 weeks anymore. So hot, that I don't think I'll ever tour anywhere in the summer where it gets humid. The blog is, much like the tour disjointed, but it will give you an idea of what went on with some written descriptions & photos https://fastheartmart.com/summer-2021-tour
Here are some short video clips from the summer tour https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb9bLUPEOTr_ZgpePdPcCn0UsjEal5HFz
One Music Video a Month From Now On
I have decided on a new game plan. As many of you know, I started a podcast at the beginning of the pandemic, but it was too much work for me to sustain, along with my music career etc.. So now I've decided to just put out one music video a month. I used to do this years ago, but I stopped when I thought it wasn't really getting any attention. Here's an example of a music video I put out in 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd2DKNhd7pM I now realize the music videos were getting attention, but I just needed to keep going. So that's what I'm doing, 7 years later.
The podcast was fun while it lasted, but I need to just focus on my music and my songwriting. I am doing pretty good playing the farmers markets and street corners and restaurants right now, but I know I need to get my music out to the world in a bigger way. I think the music videos are the way to do it.
So by being a monthly donator, like many of you are, you are helping to fund my music video which is helping my music get to a bigger world wide audience. Thank you for that! The more patrons I get, the more budget I will have to pay the musicians and other artists involved in the videos. If I can get 200 "patrons" to donate at least $5/month, then I would have plenty of money to produce these monthly videos.
Please sign up to be "patron" at either of these sites
fastheartmart.com/patrons (preferred)
Therefore, this Thursday Oct. 28th I will release a new video that I made with my band. It will premiere at 8pm PST. It's a video especially for Halloween, but I hope the message is universal enough for the whole year. You can watch it here https://youtu.be/OrpEBWlczQU
Here is a short sneak peak: https://youtu.be/9Z7sCj8IqdE
Thanks Again
Well, that's it for now, I think. Thanks again for your support through these crazy days. You contribution helps keep me going so moments like in this video can happen, when a little boy came up and hugged my leg while performing on the street https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRhq3lL5Ngs
More footage from gigs here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb9bLUPEOTr_5VO8WMvDwjYLu2w2kCKTy
"Fast Heart" Martin Stamper
San Diego, CA
Oct. 27 2021
PS I will write a brief email again in two days to remind you that the video is up. After that you won't have to hear from me again for a month.
Support Fast Heart Mart :
fastheartmart.com/patrons (preferred)
Tips accepted:
CashApp: $FastHeartMart
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